Parish News

*June 24, 2022

                                   The Muckdogs are having a FAITH AND FAMILY NIGHT with the Batavia Muckdogs on Friday, July 8th at 7:05 PM at Dwyer Stadium. Faith groups will receive a special rate of $6.00 ($4.00 savings) and will have special on-field recognition during the game. If you would like to be a part of a group from Resurrection Parish attending this event you would need to purchase your ticket at the church office by June 30th which is this Thursday. 


* April 27, 2022

Learn about Alpha Catholic.

Learn about Alpha Catholic: The Diocese of Buffalo will be offering two sessions in the Diocese to explain the Alpha Catholic program. Alpha is a wonderful program to invite anyone in your parish, friends, coworkers, neighbors who are searching for meaning in life, wanting to learn more about Jesus and his church, or desire to reconnect or grow deeper in the Catholic faith. There is a special track for young adults as well. Learn more about this program for your parishes by attending one of the information sessions. Both are held on Thursday, May 5. Morning Session (10:00 AM-12:30 PM) at Our Lady of the Angels, Cuba, NY. Evening Session (6:30 PM -9:00 PM) at Our Lady of Peace, Clarence. To register send an e-mail to by May 1. Please contact Ted Musco, Director of Renewal Mission, Evangelization, and Lay Formation, at or at 716-847-8374 for more information. 


Webinars on Evangelization. The Diocese of Buffalo is sponsoring a four-part Zoom webinar on the new evangelization. Fr. Frank DeSiano, CSP, President of Paulist Evangelization Ministries, will be directing these sessions. We encourage pastors, priests, staff, and all interested parishioners to participate. The sessions will be held May 10, 17, 25 & 31 at 2 pm. There is no cost to attend. Beyond learning ideas and theories, the series will stress action, tailored to the needs of the parish that parishes can undertake to become more inviting, welcoming, and engaging. All who register will receive links to the recorded webinar. To register For more information, contact Ted Musco, Director of Renewal Mission, Evangelization, and Lay Formation at or at 716-847-8374.   

 * April 14, 2022



      As our Lenten journey is coming to an end, I would like to thank Deacon Henry for his wonderful Lenten Program, “Lent in a Bag”.  The program was held every Friday during Lent at St. Mary’s Church and was very well attended.  It focused on helping us all to get rid of our baggage and prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ in a faith-filled, loving manner.

      Last Tuesday, Fr. Bob, Msgr. Vincent Becker, Fr. Ted, and I were able to hear individual confessions following our Penance Service.  We had a very good crowd for this as well.  

      Easter is the most important Solemnity of the year in our Roman Catholic Church.  Everyone looks forward to all of the rich liturgies the season has to offer- beginning with Holy Thursday, through Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and concluding with the joyous Resurrection on Easter Sunday. 

      The message of Easter is that nothing can destroy us anymore – not pain, not sin, not rejection, not death.  The message of Easter is that Christ has conquered all and that we can conquer all if we put our faith in him.  That is what resurrection is all about.  That is what we celebrate.

      On behalf of Fr. Bob, Deacon Henry, Deacon Tom, the Parish Staff, and myself, I wish you all a Blessed Easter and will continue to pray for your health and safety in all of my Masses and daily private prayers.


Fr. Ivan


2021 Christmas Mass Schedule

* September 25th, 2021


        I wanted to let you know that we recently received our July 31st rebate from the Diocese for our parish’s share from the Upon This Rock Campaign. We received $4,029.83. You will probably note that the amount of our rebate continues to decrease, but that is due to the fact that the original campaign ended and most of the pledges have been paid in full. Due to COVID, some donors have requested to have their payment plans extended. As payments are still being made, for some time we will continue to receive rebates until all pledges are paid in full.
        All of the rebates we received are kept in a Deferred Maintenance Fund to help with our capital projects. It is a good feeling to know that we can continue to maintain our buildings without draining our parish savings.
        At this point in time, we are currently getting estimates and looking into the possibility of improving the lighting and sound system at St. Joseph’s Church. In addition, we to be sure our Bell Tower at this site continues to be stable. Also, we are checking into additional repair work for the front steps at St. Mary’s Church.
        Again, I humbly thank all of our parishioners who came forward, sacrificed, and made very generous pledges to Upon This Rock. I thank each of you for continuing to honor your pledges so we were able to receive this $4,029.83. As a reminder, Upon This Rock payments are to be made to the Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, NOT The Diocese of Buffalo.
       May God continue to bless each of you for your generosity and I pray all will continue to remain healthy.


Fr. Ivan

*September 1, 2021

Sent on behalf of the Committee for the Year of Saint Joseph:

We pray for our young disciples, their teachers, catechists, our staff and volunteers as students prepare to return to our schools and faith formation programs. We also keep in mind those who have ventured to college and beyond, as well as those who may be missing them! As we focus this month on Saint Joseph as “Model of Wisdom” may all of us as lifelong learners pray for the gift of wisdom!
Saint Joseph, pray for us!

Peace & Prayers,

Fr. Seán Paul.

*July 27, 2021 

Dear Faith Formation Families,

Welcome back!

Please review the link below for information, fee schedule, and registration form. 

I have not yet set a date for our first class or even a schedule, as that is dependent on where we have classes. Please read the form carefully and contact me with any questions.

Registration forms are due by August 20th.

Please feel free to forward this link to friends and I will have it posted on our website and Facebook page. 


-Jason Smith

*May 2, 2021

Congratulations to our young parishioners who made their First Reconciliation on May 1 and First Communion on May 2 at St. Mary’s. 
First Reconciliation 

Liliana Bellamy

Jack Lawrence

Austin Lendvay 

Lena Meyer

Miles Meyer

Gavenn Surabian

Morgenn Surabian

Alyssa Salamone


First Communion


Ian Coffta 

Austin Crater

Lena Meyer

Miles Meyer 

Cal Fancher

Gaven Surabian


Thank you to catechists Jane Balbick (Reconciliation) and Marie Bigsby (Communion), Deacon Henry, Father Bob, and Father Ivan for sharing and teaching our Catholic faith with our young parishioners.  We also thank Sodality for the special gifts for the children on these faith-filled occasions. 


Jason Smith, Faith Formation Director 

1st Communion

*April 13, 2021

Beginning April 25th, we will have printed bulletins available in the church office.

These bulletins can be picked up during normal office hours only. Office hours are 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM.

At this time, bulletins will not be available in the churches. 

We will keep you informed of all future updates regarding COVID restrictions when we receive them from the Buffalo Diocese and New York State.  

*March 29, 2021

-A Note From Fr. Ivan

Dear Parishioner:

Once again, I am writing with the hope that all are safe and well. The Pandemic has distressed each of us but, although we must all keep our guard up and continue to wear masks, and social distance, it appears there may be better days to come soon. I hope everyone that is eligible has received or is planning to receive their vaccine shortly. 

I would like to let everyone know the schedule for our Holy Week and Easter services. Easter is our most important Solemnity of the year in our Roman Catholic Church. Everyone looks forward to all of the rich liturgies the season has to offer- beginning with Holy Thursday, through Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and concluding with the joyous Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The message of Easter is that nothing can destroy us anymore - to pain, not sin, not rejection, not death. The message of Easter is that Christ has conquered all and that we can conquer all if we put our faith in him. That is what resurrection is all about. That is what we celebrate.

Due to the fact that our churches are operating at a limited capacity and we usually have larger crowds than usual, we have decided to add some additional services. Our schedule will be as follows:

 Holy Thursday                         7:00 PM at St. Mary's ***

 Good Friday                             NOON at St. Mary's ***

                    And                        NOON at St. Joseph's

Holy Saturday                           8:15 PM at St. Mary's ***

Easter Sunday                           7:30 AM at St. Mary's ***

                                                   9:15 AM at St. Mary's 

                     And                       9:15 AM at St. Joseph's 

                                                   11:30 AM at St. Joseph's 

                     And                       11:300 AM at St. Mary's 


On behalf of Fr. Bob, Deacon Tom, Deacon Henry, the Parish Staff, and myself, I wish you all a Blessed Easter and will continue to pray for your health and safety in all of my Masses and daily private prayers.

During this pandemic crisis, all of us have been affected economically and I ask for your continued monetary contributions for the survival of our beloved Resurrection Parish. 


Rev. Ivan R. Trujillo, Pastor 

*March 22, 2021


The following is a list of mass times and locations for Palm Sunday: 

Saturday, March 27th

4:00 PM at St. Joseph's Church

4:00 PM at St. Mary's Church 

5:30 PM at St. Mary's Church

Sunday, March 28th

7:30 AM at St. Mary's Church

9:15 AM at St. Mary's Church

9:15 AM at St. Joseph's Church

11:30 AM at St. Joseph's Church

11:30 AM at St. Mary's Church

*March 9, 2021

       The following is a letter from the Erie County Surrogate regarding the intent to repurpose Upon this Rock funds originally earmarked for the operations of Chirst the King Seminary but now, rather for "Formation" expenses associated with the training of seminarians, diaconate and students of lay ecclesial programs:
       Beginning in 2015, The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, N.Y., Inc.
(“Foundation”) began soliciting donations to its “Upon this Rock” (“UTR”) capital and endowment
campaign. The UTR campaign raised funds for many purposes, including soliciting funds for
making essential upgrades to classroom facilities and technology of Christ the King Seminary
(“CKS”), expanding CKS’s role as a center of retreat and religious celebration, and establishing
an endowment fund for CKS. Unfortunately, in early 2020, CKS’s Board of Trustees determined
that CKS would close at the end of the 2020-2021 academic year. CKS’s closure will make it
impossible for the Foundation to use the UTR funds raised for CKS for their original intended
purposes. However, under New York law, when the original purposes for which funds are
donated become impossible to achieve, those purposes can be modified in a manner consistent
with original intent by the New York State courts. For many years, CKS provided education and
formation for ordained and lay ecclesial ministers in the Diocese of Buffalo and beyond.
Accordingly, the Foundation has asked the New York State Supreme Court for the County of
Erie to approve a modification of the purposes of UTR funds raised for CKS so that those funds
can be used to support the education and formation for ordained and lay ecclesial ministry in the
Diocese of Buffalo, as determined in the discretion of the Foundation’s Board.
       If you have donated to UTR and would like to be heard regarding this requested
modification, you may send a letter to: The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Buffalo, N.Y., Inc., attention Executive Director, 795 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. 14203 or an
email to Copies of letters or email received by the Foundation will be
provided to the Court. You may also make a formal filing in the legal proceeding entitled Matter
of the Modification of Endowment Funds of The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Buffalo N.Y., Inc., Erie County Index No. 814747/2020. In order for your submission to be
available for the Court’s consideration, please be sure to send any letter or email, or make any
filing, no later than Friday, April 9, 2021.



*February 16, 2021
Thank you, Music Director Mark Hoerbelt, and the Resurrection Parish Choir as we start Lent.


*February 9, 2021


We have received some very specific guidelines from the Diocese regarding Ash Wednesday, The Season of Lent, and Easter.  Today I will focus on Ash Wednesday.  As we get closer to Palm Sunday and Holy Week we will prepare you for any changes to our usual traditions.

This has been a very difficult year for all of us who have been living through this pandemic.  My prayers are with all who have had sickness within their families, and especially for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one due to COVID-19.  We will soon be approaching Easter when, one year ago, so many restrictions were placed upon all of us and upon our Churches.

On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17th, we will have Masses with the distribution of ashes as follows:
  8:00 AM St. Joseph’s Church
  5:15 PM St. Joseph’s Church
  7:00 PM St. Mary’s Church

Ashes will be distributed following the homily at each Mass.  However, because of Covid-19, we are unable to impose the ashes on a person’s forehead in the usual manner.  Instead, we will be following the European custom of sprinkling ashes on the crown of each person’s head.  We will come to each of you in your pews to impose the ashes in the same manner as we distribute Holy Communion.  If you wish to receive Ashes, please stand as the Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister approaches you, and bow your head to receive your Ashes.

As usual, we do follow the normal guidelines for Abstinence and Fasting throughout our Lenten Journey.

Abstinence: All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are bound to abstain totally from meat on the following days: Ash Wednesday, all Fridays of Lent and Good Friday.

Fasting: All Catholics between their 18th and 59th birthdays are also bound to observe the Law of Fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.  This practice involves limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals.  Light sustenance may be taken on two other occasions in the course of the day.

ADDITIONAL REMINDER: Due to COVID-19, the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days remains in place until otherwise announced.

 I wish everyone a prayerful Lenten Journey.

Fr. Ivan

*January 8, 2021
I wanted to let everyone know that this weekend, January 9th and 10th, our 5:30 Mass is unable to be life-streamed for all at home. We plan to be back on schedule next weekend. All of our Masses in Church will be said as scheduled.
Please know that all of our parishioners are in my prayers daily as we try to get through this Covid-19 pandemic.
May God bless you all.
Fr. Ivan

As we look forward with joy to the birth of our Lord, Jesus, on this Christmas Day we also must celebrate in a far different way than we have in the past.
Due to the pandemic, many will be celebrating without their families and will not be attending Mass in our churches; but we must remain strong in our faith and follow the guidelines to hopefully avoid contracting the Covid virus. This has been a very unusual year for all of us, and now that the vaccine is becoming available we will hopefully be able to get through it safely.
With the help of Deacon Henry, Elyn & Erik Moscicki, and Mark Hoerbelt, I will be celebrating Christmas Mass through live-streaming beginning at 4:00 PM on Christmas Eve. Our Mass will be proceeded by our usual Christmas Concert beginning around 3:30 PM. I hope you will be able to join us on Facebook, YouTube, or on this website.
I would like to thank Fr. Bob, Deacon Tom, Deacon Henry, Mark Hoerbelt, the Parish Staff, St. Joseph’s Sodality, Our Lady of Batavia Knights of Columbus, our Amigos, and Tom Trescott, as well as all of our Parishioners. I am very grateful for all of the help and support you have given to both me and Resurrection Parish throughout the past year.
On behalf of Fr. Bob, Deacon Tom, Deacon Henry, and our Parish Staff, I wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year.
You are all remembered in my daily prayers and Masses. I will continue to pray for your health and safety during these difficult times.
Feliz Navidad,
Fr. Ivan

*December 12, 2020

If you see Fr. Ivan be sure to wish him a Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, Fr. Ivan!

*December 4, 2020

Note from Fr. Ivan

This weekend we celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Advent.

    "Prepare the way of the Lord" was the message of John the Baptist and the message of the Gospels. We do not enter into God's kingdom by accident or by default. It is like anything else in life, if we want something worthwhile or want to accomplish anything worth accomplishing, we need to prepare.

      John the Baptist is not talking about preparing our house, or our gifts, or our meals, or our celebrations, which we always do at this time of the year and are great traditions. He is talking about preparing our hearts.

      Let us all resolve to do our best throughout Advent to prepare ourselves and our hearts for the coming of our Lord Jesus at Christmas.

      As you know, Fr. Bob and I have been celebrating Daily Masses and all Weekend Masses at both St. Mary's and St. Joseph's. However, I am sorry to advise you we will not be celebrating Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Masses in Church with our parish family. This was a difficult decision for us. 

      Most of our neighboring parishes are not celebrating Christmas Masses and we were concerned we would have very large crowds. As you know we always have standing room only at most of our Masses on this holiday and we would be unable to follow our guidelines of social distancing. We do not want to have to turn anyone away.

     We will be live-streaming Mass at 4:00 PM on Christmas Eve proceeded by a concert beginning at 3:40 PM. We cannot bring our choir together because of the pandemic, but the usual concert will be played by our Choir Director, Mark Hoerbelt, with his daughter, Madison as featured soloist. Please join us live on Facebook or find us on YouTube or on our Parish Website:

     We will continue our regular weekend schedule on Saturday, December 26th. 

     Please watch your mail in the next week as I am once again sending a letter to all our parishioners. 

   May the Lord continue to bless you throughout this Advent Season.


*December 1, 2020 

Welcome to our new bishop, Bishop Michael William Fisher!

More information regarding our new bishop can be found on the Buffalo Diocese website here: Welcome Bishop Fisher.

*November 28 & 29

Road to Renewal: Bishop Scharfenberger's Pastoral Letter

Our Apostolic Administrator, Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger has issued a Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of our diocese. The letter is being mailed to registered Catholic households as well as being made available at all of our parishes and Catholic Institutions in time for the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2020. The purpose of the Pastoral Letter is to provide the spiritual foundation for our Diocesan Road to Renewal Initiative. Everyone in our diocese is encouraged to read the Pastoral Letter and to spend time reflecting and sharing with one another the significance of this call to renewal in the Diocese of Buffalo. 

Reorganization For the Future...together.

*November 20, 2020

I regret having to advise our parishioners that I am taking a pre-emptive measure and canceling our weekend masses for November 21st and 22nd, as well as on Thanksgiving Day, November 26th. Weekend and Thanksgiving Masses will be online through Facebook and our website as usual.
We have been notified by the Health Department that 5 members of a family attending a funeral last week have tested positive for Covid-19. As we have been strictly following all of the recommended guidelines by the State and our Diocese such as wearing masks, social distancing, limiting the number of people attending, movement around the church, and disinfecting the entire interior of the church after EVERY Mass, I believe we are doing the best we can to stay safe. In addition, we have notified the Diocese regarding our situation. However, we cannot know for certain that everyone entering our church is healthy.
We will be temporarily closed to have some extra cleaning done and continue to disinfect every day (even though no one will be in the church).
I hope everyone will feel comfortable returning to Mass on the 28th.
Fr. Ivan


